Hadeeth 25
Narrated Abdullah Bin Umar (Allah be well pleased with him) that our beloved Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has said, "that if anyone dies amongst you then do not keep it, send it towards the Kabr, and after burying it, Stand before its head side and recite the first Ruku of "Surah Bakarah", i.e. from Alif Laam Meem Zaalikal Kitaab to Humul Muflihoon; and recite by it's feet side the last Ruku of "Surah Bakarah", i.e. From Aamanar rasoolu till the end of the Surah, Fansurna alal qumil kaafireen. (Mishkaat).
Hadeeth 26
The Holy Prophet said: "Recite Ya Seen [Qur'an 36] over your dead." (Abu Daud, Nasai, Ibn Majah)
Hadeeth 27
Ata' ibn Abi Rabah (Allah be well pleased with him) said: I heard Ibn `Umar (Allah be well pleased with him) say: I heard the Holy Prophet say: "When one of you dies do not tarry, but make haste and take him to his grave, and let someone read at his head the opening of Surah Baqarah, and at his feet its closure when he lies in the grave." (Tabarani)
Hadeeth 28
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "What is credited to a believer of his action and good deed after his death is any useful knowledge he might have taught or spread, a Allah-fearing child he might have left behind, a copy of the Qur'an he might have left to an heir, a mosque he might have built, a house he might have dedicated for use by travelers, a stream or river he might have caused to run, a donation to charity (i.e. sadaqah) he might have set aside when he was enjoying good health. All that catches up with him after his death." (Ibn Majah).
The underlined words “a copy of the Qur'an he might have left to an heir” are an ample proof that when the heir will read from it, the reward will be passed on to the deceased.!!!
Hadeeth 29
Jaber reported: We came out with the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to Saa’d bin Muaz when he expired. When the Holy Prophet performed his funeral prayer, and he was buried in his grave and the earth was levelled upon him, the Holy Prophet read “Tasbeeh” and we also recited “Tasbeeh” for a long time. Then he recited “Takbeer”, so we too recited “Takbeer”. It was asked “O the Messenger of Allah! Why have you recited “Tasbeeh” and “Takbeer”? He said, “The grave became too narrow for this pious man till Allah made it spacious because of it (the recitation).” (Ahmed, Mishkaat)
Hadeeth 30
Narrated on the authority of Ibn Shamasa Mahri : He said: We went to Amr b. al-As and he was about to die. He said: When I die, let neither female mourner nor fire accompany me. When you bury me, fill my grave well with earth, then stand around it for the time within which a camel is slaughtered and its meat is distributed so that I may enjoy your intimacy and (in your company) ascertain what answer I can give to the messengers (angels) of Allah. (Muslim – part of a longer Hadeeth.)
It is desirable that after burial the people sit at graveside for the duration of slaughtering a camel and distributing its meat, and that during that time the sitters busy themselves with reciting Qur'an, supplicating for the deceased, exhortation, and the stories of the Holy Prophets etc. Imam Shafie said that it is better to recite the Holy Qur’an and all those present should also recite – and it is better if the entire Qur’an is recited. Also documented by Imam Nawawi in Riyadh-us-Saleheen.
It is the opinion of most scholars that when visiting the graveyard, a person should recite the following Surahs because of their individual excellence, and then convey the reward of recitation: Surah Fateha (one of the best prayers), Surah Yaseen (the heart of the Holy Qur’an), Surah Ikhlas (equal to one third of Holy Qur’an in reward) and Surah Mulk (intercedes for the reader till the reader is forgiven).
Hadeeth 25
Narrated Abdullah Bin Umar (Allah be well pleased with him) that our beloved Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has said, "that if anyone dies amongst you then do not keep it, send it towards the Kabr, and after burying it, Stand before its head side and recite the first Ruku of "Surah Bakarah", i.e. from Alif Laam Meem Zaalikal Kitaab to Humul Muflihoon; and recite by it's feet side the last Ruku of "Surah Bakarah", i.e. From Aamanar rasoolu till the end of the Surah, Fansurna alal qumil kaafireen. (Mishkaat).
Hadeeth 26
The Holy Prophet said: "Recite Ya Seen [Qur'an 36] over your dead." (Abu Daud, Nasai, Ibn Majah)
Hadeeth 27
Ata' ibn Abi Rabah (Allah be well pleased with him) said: I heard Ibn `Umar (Allah be well pleased with him) say: I heard the Holy Prophet say: "When one of you dies do not tarry, but make haste and take him to his grave, and let someone read at his head the opening of Surah Baqarah, and at his feet its closure when he lies in the grave." (Tabarani)
Hadeeth 28
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "What is credited to a believer of his action and good deed after his death is any useful knowledge he might have taught or spread, a Allah-fearing child he might have left behind, a copy of the Qur'an he might have left to an heir, a mosque he might have built, a house he might have dedicated for use by travelers, a stream or river he might have caused to run, a donation to charity (i.e. sadaqah) he might have set aside when he was enjoying good health. All that catches up with him after his death." (Ibn Majah).
The underlined words “a copy of the Qur'an he might have left to an heir” are an ample proof that when the heir will read from it, the reward will be passed on to the deceased.!!!
Hadeeth 29
Jaber reported: We came out with the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to Saa’d bin Muaz when he expired. When the Holy Prophet performed his funeral prayer, and he was buried in his grave and the earth was levelled upon him, the Holy Prophet read “Tasbeeh” and we also recited “Tasbeeh” for a long time. Then he recited “Takbeer”, so we too recited “Takbeer”. It was asked “O the Messenger of Allah! Why have you recited “Tasbeeh” and “Takbeer”? He said, “The grave became too narrow for this pious man till Allah made it spacious because of it (the recitation).” (Ahmed, Mishkaat)
Hadeeth 30
Narrated on the authority of Ibn Shamasa Mahri : He said: We went to Amr b. al-As and he was about to die. He said: When I die, let neither female mourner nor fire accompany me. When you bury me, fill my grave well with earth, then stand around it for the time within which a camel is slaughtered and its meat is distributed so that I may enjoy your intimacy and (in your company) ascertain what answer I can give to the messengers (angels) of Allah. (Muslim – part of a longer Hadeeth.)
It is desirable that after burial the people sit at graveside for the duration of slaughtering a camel and distributing its meat, and that during that time the sitters busy themselves with reciting Qur'an, supplicating for the deceased, exhortation, and the stories of the Holy Prophets etc. Imam Shafie said that it is better to recite the Holy Qur’an and all those present should also recite – and it is better if the entire Qur’an is recited. Also documented by Imam Nawawi in Riyadh-us-Saleheen.
It is the opinion of most scholars that when visiting the graveyard, a person should recite the following Surahs because of their individual excellence, and then convey the reward of recitation: Surah Fateha (one of the best prayers), Surah Yaseen (the heart of the Holy Qur’an), Surah Ikhlas (equal to one third of Holy Qur’an in reward) and Surah Mulk (intercedes for the reader till the reader is forgiven).
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