Sura 2, The Heifer (Al-Baqarah)
[2:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[2:2] This scripture is infallible; a beacon for the righteous;
Three Categories of People (1) The Righteous
[2:5] These are guided by their Lord; these are the winners.
(2) The Disbelievers
(3) The Hypocrites
[2:11] When they are told, "Do not commit evil," they say, "But we are righteous!"
[2:12] In fact, they are evildoers, but they do not perceive.
[2:15] GOD mocks them, and leads them on in their transgressions, blundering.
[2:18] Deaf, dumb, and blind; they fail to return.
The Light of Faith
Mathematical Challenge
Allegorical Description of Hell
Allegorical Description of Paradise
Two Deaths and Two Lives for the Disbelievers*
Satan: A Temporary "god"*
The Test Begins
Specific Words*
Divine Commandments to All Jews: "You Shall Believe in This Quran."
[2:42] Do not confound the truth with falsehood, nor shall you conceal the truth, knowingly.
[2:46] who believe that they will meet their Lord; that to Him they ultimately return.
[2:52] Still, we pardoned you thereafter that you may be appreciative.
[2:53] Recall that we gave Moses scripture and the statute book, that you may be guided.
Kill Your Ego*
Physical Evidence*
[2:56] We then revived you, after you had died, that you may be appreciative.
In Sinai
Lack of Confidence in God: They Refuse to Enter Jerusalem
More Miracles
Israel Rebels
Unity of All Submitters
Covenant with Israel
The Heifer*
Purpose of the Heifer
Distorting the Word of God
Concealing the Word of God
[2:77] Do they not know that GOD knows everything they conceal, and everything they declare?
Eternity of Heaven and Hell*
The Commandments
The Prophets of Israel
Tragic Statement: "My mind is made up!"
The Quran Consummates All Scriptures
Learning From Israel's History
Gabriel Mediates the Revelation
[2:99] We have sent down to you such clear revelations, and only the wicked will reject them.
Disregarding God's Scripture
Witchcraft Condemned
Twisting the Words of Supplication
Jealousy Condemned
The Ultimate Miracle: The Quran's Mathematical Code*
All Believers Are Redeemed, Regardless of the Name of Their Religion
Submission: The Only Religion
You Shall Frequent the Masjid
Gross Blasphemy
Abraham Delivered All the Practices of Submission (Islam)
[2:131] When his Lord said to him, "Submit," he said, "I submit to the Lord of the universe."
Submission (Islam): Abraham's Religion*
No Distinction Among God's Messengers
[2:138] Such is GOD's system, and whose system is better than GOD's? "Him alone we worship."
Abolition of Bigotry and Prejudice*
Qiblah Restored to Mecca
Abuse of the Scripture: Selective Emphasis and Concealment
[2:147] This is the truth from your Lord; do not harbor any doubt.
Qiblah Restored to Mecca
Where Do We Go From Here?
[2:156] When an affliction befalls them, they say, "We belong to GOD, and to Him we are returning."
[2:157] These have deserved blessings from their Lord and mercy. These are the guided ones.
Hajj Pilgrimage
Gross Offense
[2:163] Your god is one god; there is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Overwhelming Signs of God
The Idols Disown Their Idolizers*
Satan Prohibits Lawful Things
[2:169] He only commands you to commit evil and vice, and to say about GOD what you do not know.
Maintaining the Status Quo: A Human Tragedy
Only Four Meats Prohibited*
Corrupted Religious Leaders Conceal the Quran's Miracle*
Righteousness Defined
Discouraging Capital Punishment*
Write A Will
Fasting Emphasized and Modified*
God Answers the Prayers of "His Servants"
Bribery, Corruption Condemned
Do Not Beat Around the Bush
Rules of War*
[2:192] If they refrain, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
Hajj and `Umrah Pilgrimage*
The Four Months of Hajj (Zul-Hijjah, Muharram, Safar, & Rabi I)
[2:202] Each of these will receive the share they have earned. GOD is most efficient in reckoning.
Mena: Last Rites of Hajj
Appearances May Be Deceiving
Miracles Bring Greater Responsibility*
Disastrous Jealousy
Recipients of Charity
Believers: The Ultimate Victors
Oppression Condemned
Intoxicants and Gambling Prohibited*
Do Not Marry Idol Worshipers
Do Not Take God's Name in Vain
Laws of Divorce
[2:227] If they go through with the divorce, then GOD is Hearer, Knower.
Do Not Throw the Divorcees Out Onto the Streets
You Shall Observe the Pre-Marriage Interims
Breaking the Engagement
You Shall Observe the Contact Prayers*
Alimony For Widows and Divorcees
[2:241] The divorcees also shall be provided for, equitably. This is a duty upon the righteous.
[2:242] GOD thus explains His revelations for you, that you may understand.
Striving in the Cause of God
[2:244] You shall fight in the cause of GOD, and know that GOD is Hearer, Knower.
Questioning God's Wisdom
Ark of the Covenant
David and Goliath
Many Messengers / One Message
No Intercession*
No Compulsion in Religion
Abraham's Courageous Debate
Lesson About Death*
Every Believer Needs Assurance
The Best Investment
What to Give
Wisdom: A Great Treasure
Anonymous Charity Better
God is the Only One Who Guides
Usury Prohibited*
[2:276] GOD condemns usury, and blesses charities. GOD dislikes every disbeliever, guilty.
Divine Guarantee
Write Down Financial Transactions
You Shall Not Make Any Distinction Among God's Messengers