January 12, 2009


Found 361 names begin with 'A' for Boys.
# Name Meaning
1 Aaban Name of the Angel
2 Aabid Worshiper
3 Aadil Just, Upright
4 Aahil Prince
5 Aalam World
6 Aalee Sublime, high
7 Aalim Religious Scholar
8 Aamil Doer, Work man
9 Aamir Civilised
10 Aaqib Follower
11 Aaqil Intelligent
12 Aarif Knowing, aware
13 Aariz Respectable man
14 Aaryan Of Utmost strength
15 Aashif Bold, courageous
16 Aashir Living
17 Aasif An able minister
18 Aasim Person who keeps away from sins
19 Aatif Kind Affectionate
20 Aaus Name of a tree
21 Aayan God's gift
22 Aazim Determined
23 Abaan Old Arabic name
24 Abbas Gloomy look
25 Abd Al-Ala Slave of the High
26 Abdul Aalee Servant of the Most High
27 Abdul Adl Slave of the just
28 Abdul Afuw Slave of the one who pardons
29 Abdul Ahad Slave of he who is one (Allah)
30 Abdul Aleem Servant of the Omniscient
31 Abdul Ali Slave of the High one
32 Abdul Alim Slave of the All knowing
33 Abdul Awwal Slave of the First One
34 Abdul Azeez The servant of the most powerful
35 Abdul Azim Slave of the great
36 Abdul Aziz Servant of the powerful one
37 Abdul Baari Servant of the Creator
38 Abdul Baasit Servant of the Extender and Creator
39 Abdul Badee Slave of the originator
40 Abdul Baith Slave of the one who raises death
41 Abdul Baqi Slave of the Eternal
42 Abdul Bari Slave of the creator
43 Abdul Baseer Slave of the All-seeing
44 Abdul Batin Slave of the unseen
45 Abdul Fattah Slave of the opener, slave of the giver of victory
46 Abdul Ghafaar Servant of the Forgiver
47 Abdul Ghafoor Servant of the Forgiver
48 Abdul Hafeez Slave of the Protector
49 Abdul Hafiz Slave of the Guardian
50 Abdul Hakam Servant of the Arbitrator
51 Abdul Hakeem Servant of the Wise
52 Abdul Haleem Servant of the Mild and Patient
53 Abdul Halim Slave of the Wise
54 Abdul Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised
55 Abdul Hamid Slave of the Praiseworthy
56 Abdul Hannan Slave of the Merciful
57 Abdul Haq Servant of the Truth
58 Abdul Haseeb Servant of the Respected and Esteemed
59 Abdul Hasib Slave of the Reckoner
60 Abdul Hayy Slave of the Living
61 Abdul Jabaar Servant of the Mighty
62 Abdul Jaleel Servant of the Great and Revered
63 Abdul Jawwad Slave of the Bountiful
64 Abdul Kabir Slave of the Great
65 Abdul Kareem Servant of the Noble and Generous
66 Abdul Karim Slave of the Gracious
67 Abdul Khabir Slave of the one who is aware
68 Abdul Lateef Servant of the Kind
69 Abdul Maajid Slave of the Excellence
70 Abdul Maalik Slave of the Master, the Lord
71 Abdul Majeed Servant of the Glorious
72 Abdul Mani Slave of one who prevents
73 Abdul Mannan Slave of the Benefactor
74 Abdul Mateen Slave of the Firm
75 Abdul Mubdee Slave of the Originator
76 Abdul Mueed Slave of the Restorer, the Reproducer
77 Abdul Muhaimin Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian and the Protector
78 Abdul Muhaymin Slave of the Protector
79 Abdul Muhsin Slave of the Benefactor
80 Abdul Muhyee Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it
81 Abdul Muiz Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory
82 Abdul Mujeeb Servant of the Responder
83 Abdul Munim Slave of the Generous
84 Abdul Muntaqim Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution
85 Abdul Muqeet Slave of the Sustainer
86 Abdul Muqsit Slave of the Just
87 Abdul Musawwir Slave of the Fashioner
88 Abdul Mutaal Servant of the Most High
89 Abdul Muti Slave of the Giver
90 Abdul Muzanni He was a narrator of Hadith
91 Abdul Nafi Slave of the Propitious
92 Abdul Naseer Slave of the Helper
93 Abdul Noor Slave of the one who is Light
94 Abdul Qaadir Servant of the Capable
95 Abdul Qadeer Slave of the Powerful
96 Abdul Qadir Slave of the Powerful
97 Abdul Qahaar Servant of the Subduer and the Almighty
98 Abdul Qayyum Slave of the Self-Subsistent
99 Abdul Qudoos Servant of the Most Holy
100 Abdul Raafi Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates
101 Abdul Rabb Slave of the Lord
102 Abdul Rafi Slave of the Exalter
103 Abdul Raheem Servant of the Most Compassionate
104 Abdul Rahim Slave of the Compassionate
105 Abdul Rahman Servant of the merciful one
106 Abdul Raqib Slave of the Vigilant
107 Abdul Rauf Servent of the merciful
108 Abdul Tawwab Slave of the Acceptor of repentance, the relenting
109 Abdul Waali Slave of the Governor
110 Abdul Wahid Slave of the Unique
111 Abdul Wajid Slave of the Finder, the Perceiver
112 Abdul Wakil Slave of the Trustee
113 Abdul Waliy Slave of the Protecting Friend
114 Abdul Wasi Slave of the All Embracing
115 Abdul-Aalee Servant of the Most High
116 Abdul-Adheem Servant of the Most Great
117 Abdul-Aleem Servant of the All-Knowing
118 Abdul-Baaqi Servant of the Everlasting
119 Abdul-Baari Servant of the Evolver
120 Abdul-Baasit Servant of the Expander
121 Abdul-Barr Servant of the source of Goodness
122 Abdul-Dhahir Servant of the Manifest
123 Abdul-Ghaffar Servant of the forgiver
124 Abdul-Ghafur Servant of the All-Forgiving
125 Abdul-Ghani Servant of the Self-Sufficient
126 Abdul-Hadi Servant of the Guide
127 Abdul-Hafeedh Servant of the Preserver
128 Abdul-Hakeem Servant of the Wise
129 Abdul-Haleem Servant of the Forbearing One
130 Abdul-Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy
131 Abdul-Haqq Servant of the Truth
132 Abdul-Haseeb Servant of the Reckoner
133 Abdul-Jabbar Servant of the Compeller
134 Abdul-Jaleel Servant of the Sublime One
135 Abdul-Kareem Servant of the Most Generous
136 Abdul-Khaliq Servant of the Creator
137 Abdul-Lateef Servant of the Subtle One
138 Abdul-Majeed Servant of the Most Glorious
139 Abdul-Majid Servant of the Noble
140 Abdul-Malik Servant of the Sovereign Lord
141 Abdul-Mu'eid Servant of the Restorer
142 Abdul-Mu'izz Servant of the Honourer
143 Abdul-Mughni Servant of the Enricher
144 Abdul-Mujeeb Servant of the Responsive
145 Abdul-Mumin Servant of the Guardian of Faith
146 Abdul-Muqtadir Servant of the Powerful
147 Abdul-Muta'alee Servant of the Most Exalted
148 Abdul-Nur Servant of the Light
149 Abdul-Qaadir Servant of the Able
150 Abdul-Qahhar Servant of the Subduer
151 Abdul-Qaiyoum Servant of the Self-Sustaining
152 Abdul-Quddus Servant of the Holy
153 Abdul-Rasheed Servant of the rightly guided
154 Abdul-Rashid Servant of the rightly guided
155 Abdul-Waajid Servant of the Finder
156 Abdul-Wadood Servant of the Loving
157 Abdul-Wahhab Servant of the Best-ower
158 Abdul-Warith Servant of the Supreme Inheritor
159 Abdullah Servant of Allah
160 Abdur Rahman Slave of Allah
161 Abdur Rashid Slave of the Guide
162 Abdur Razzaq Slave of the provider;
163 Abdur-Raheem Servant of the Most Merciful
164 Abdur-Rahman Servant of the Most Gracious
165 Abdur-Raqeeb Servant of the Watchful
166 Abdur-Rasheed Servant of the Guide to Right Path
167 Abdur-Rauf Servant of the Compassionate
168 Abdur-Razzaq Servant of the Provider
169 Abdus Name of the narrator of one of the hadith
170 Abdus Sabur Slave of the Forbearing
171 Abdus Salaam Slave of the Giver of Peace
172 Abdus Samad Slave of the Eternal, The Independent
173 Abdus Sami Slave of the All Hearing
174 Abdus Sattar Slave of the one who conceals faults
175 Abdus Shafi Slave of the Healer
176 Abdus Subbooh Slave of the Extremely pure
177 Abdus-Sabour Servant of the Patient
178 Abdus-Salaam Servant of the Source of Peace
179 Abdus-Samad Servant of the Eternal
180 Abdus-Sameei Servant of the All-Hearing
181 Abdus-Shaheed Servant of the Witness
182 Abdus-Shakur Servant of the Appreciative
183 Abdush Shahid Slave of the Witness
184 Abid Worshipper
185 Abisali Warrior in Islam
186 Abrad Hail, Mail
187 Abrar Peity
188 Abrash Spotted, Speckled
189 Absi Probably from ABASA to frown; this was the name of Abdullah ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829
190 Abt'hi One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah
191 Abul-Hassan The Son Of Ali
192 Abyad A narrator of hadith was so named
193 Abyan Elequent
194 Abzari Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name
195 Adam A Prophet's Name
196 Adawi Grandson of Sayyindina Umer
197 Adbul-Qawi Servant of the Most Powerful
198 Adeeb A literary Person
199 Adeel Just
200 Adeem Rare
201 Adel Honorable Judge, One who Jugdes Fairly
202 Adham Black
203 Adheem The most great
204 Adib Cultured
205 Adil Just, Honest
206 Adiy A companion of the Prophet; also the name of the son of Hatim Tiay known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name
207 Adl Justice
208 Adnan A tribal ancestor of the Quraysh, the Prophet (S.A.W) was from this tribe; there were other noted men too later in history who had this name; for instance, word bin Hakim, a scholar of Basrah
209 Aduz Zahir Slave of the Manifest
210 Adyan A nabee was named by this name
211 Afaaq The place where Earth & Sky meet
212 Afeef Pure, Chaste, Pious
213 Affan Forgiving person
214 Afham Loving
215 Afif Chaste, Modest
216 Afiq Honest
217 Aflah Gaining success-but the Prophet (S.A.W) has discouraged us from giving such names to our children; according to Sayyidina Jab (R.A), The Prophet (S.A.W) intended to forbid such names as Yala, Barakah,
218 Afraz Standing tall like a mountain,ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
219 Afruz Standing tall like a mountain, ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
220 Aftaab Bright, prosperous, the sun
221 Aftab Sun
222 Afzal Best, top most
223 Agharr Hansome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, Magnanimous. Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al-Muzan
224 Ahab Strong
225 Ahad The one
226 Ahmad Most highly adored
227 Ahmar Red Coloured
228 Ahnaf Name of one of the narrators of hadith
229 Ahsan The best of all
230 Ahwas Having narrow, contracted or squinting eyes
231 Ahyan Gift of God
232 Ahzab Name of one of the narrators of Hadith
233 Aidan Help, intelligent
234 Aidh Name of a reciter of the Holy Quran
235 Aijaz Blessing
236 Aiman Fearless
237 Aizat Sweetness
238 Ajer Reward
239 Ajlah A narrator of hadith had this name
240 Ajmal Beautiful
241 Akbar Great
242 Akdas Most holy book
243 Akeem Wise
244 Akhas A narrator of hadith
245 Akhdan Best Friend
246 Akhfash There have been several men of this name; there were grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century
247 Akhlaq Behavion
248 Akhtar A Star, good man
249 Akif Attached, Intent
250 Akmal Lion
251 Akram More Generous
252 Al hakeem The Wise
253 Al-Kareem Educator, teacher
254 Ala' Nobility
255 Ali Noble, sublime, fourth Caliph of Islam
256 Alman Kind, willing and wiseman
257 Almir Prince
258 Altamash Name of a famous king
259 Amaan The most lovelable
260 Amaar One who prays 5 times and fasts
261 Amam Safety, Protection
262 Amayr Crown
263 Ameer Commander, Prince, Khalifah
264 Amer Rich
265 Amin Faithful, trustworthy, custodian
266 Amir Prosperous
267 Amjad More glorious, more illustrious
268 Ammaar One with strong Imaan. Also a Sahabi , one of the early muslims, son of Yasir and Sumaya Rad
269 Ammar Long of age
270 Amr "By my life"
271 Anas Love, affection
272 Anasah The freed slave of the Prophet had this name
273 Aneeq Valueable
274 Anees Intimate, friendly
275 Aniq Elegant
276 Anis Close friend, companion
277 Anjam Stars
278 Ansar The first people who converted to the religion of Islam were the people of Ansar
279 Antarah This was the name of the freed slave of Sulaym
280 Anwaar Light, glow, gleam
281 Anwar More radiant
282 Anzar Angel of paradise
283 Aqdas Holy, pure
284 Aqeel Wise, Intelligent
285 Aqeil Knowledgable
286 Arbaaz Eagle
287 Arbab Who looks after someone or takes care
288 Areeb Skillful, Adroit
289 Areez Friend
290 Arfan Gratefulness
291 Arham Merciful
292 Arif Acquainted, knowledgeable
293 Arish A brave soldier
294 Armaan Desire, hope
295 Arman Army man
296 Arqam Pen, Speckled snake;
297 Arsal The one who was sent
298 Arsalaan Lion
299 Arsh Dominion , Crown
300 Arshad Better guided, honest
301 Arshaq Handsome, well proportioned
302 Arslan Lion
303 Artah A narrator of the hadith
304 Aryan Of utmost strength
305 As'ad Happier
306 Asad Lion
307 Asar Fourth Prayer of the day
308 Asbagh Coloured animal, huge flood, dyer
309 Asbat A narrator of hadith
310 Aseed A narrator of Hadeeth
311 Asfar The morning's light
312 Asgar Devoted
313 Asghar Shorter, Smaller, Junior
314 Asha'ath Scattered, Spread about, humble
315 Ashar One who has wisdom
316 Ashaz One in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet
317 Asher Wise, knowledgable
318 Ashfaq Compassionate friend
319 Ashik Lover, Love
320 Ashim Generous
321 Ashmaan Heaven
322 Ashmath Correct path, Straight path
323 Ashraf Honorable
324 Asim Protector
325 Aslam Peace
326 Asrar Secret/Sacred relating to Islam
327 Ata Gift, Present
328 Ataubaq Handsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got a lot of love to share
329 Ateeb Very pious
330 Athar Neat, Clean
331 Athazaz Unknown, Mystery, Maze
332 Athier Lion hearted
333 Atif United, Joined, Together
334 Atik The black cloth of the kaaba
335 Atiq Ancient, Noble
336 Attiq Old
337 Awad Reward, Compensation
338 Awf Guest, fragrance, lion;
339 Awn To help, assist
340 Aws To give
341 Ayaan God's gift
342 Ayaaz Slave
343 Ayaz A sincere slave of mehmood the king once upon a time
344 Aybak Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian
345 Aydin Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon
346 Aymaan Lucky
347 Ayman Right Hand
348 Ayub A prophet of Allah (swt)
349 Ayyash Bread seller
350 Ayyub Ayyub was a Prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship. There have been other noted men by this name, for instance Ibn Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-Sakhtiyani
351 Azaan Call for the prayer
352 Azad Freedom
353 Azeem Great, greater
354 Azfer Leader
355 Azhar Famous
356 Azim Greatest
357 Azlan Lion
358 Azmat Respect, honor
359 Azraq Blue, name of a companion of the Prophet
360 Azraqi He was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah
361 Azzam Determined, resolved

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